
I am a clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairalience, Clairtangent and Claircognizance. At the moment I am not using tarot but am using Oracle decks, only if need be. I have worked on my gifts consciously since 2007 and still am. 

$35 for Half Hour

$71 for 1 Hour

Past Life Readings:

I have been seeing past life's since the age of six. Past life readings can be very intense as I do not dive into your past as an observer, I actually become you and experience what you had experienced. I usually fall where the traumas and deaths are to help you understand certain current behaviors, fears and mindsets you may be struggling with.

$80 for Half Hour

$170 for an Hour

All readings will be conducted through zoom or google meets.


Vent Sessions

People have vented to me my whole life. I have had college students ask me for advice while I was only 12 years old. In these sessions I will sit back and let you take the lead and you get it off your chest. I will only give advice if you ask me.

I may have a channeled message for you, if you decide you don't want it but may want it later, I will write it down and send it.

In the hour session, it will autotmatically come with a channeled message in which I will still write and send and a single card pull.

For past life readings, this is a much more intense reading. When I tape into your past lives, I do not just observe what's going on. I become you and experience your previous life. I usually am guided towards major traumas and death and will go to your next life. If your spirit is open enough, many times I jump through 3 of your lives. Though many people will say they are open to the reading, sometimes there are unknown brick walls to which I may give you ways to open up more.

$35 for Half Hour

$71 for 1 Hour